International Conference on Engineering and Business Management (EBM 2010 PAPERBACK)


ISBN: 978-1-935068-05-1 Scientific Research Publishing, USA

Paperback 6066pp Pub. Date: March 2010

Category: Engineering

Price: $280

Title: A High-Efficiency Querying Algorithm for Multi-Attribute Text String Identifiers
Source: International Conference on Engineering and Business Management (EBM 2010 PAPERBACK) (pp 1826-1829)
Author(s): Heng Ma, Department of Industrial Management, Chung Hua University, Chinese Taipei
Hung-Yu Cheng, Department of Technology Management, Chung Hua University, Chinese Taipei
Abstract: Abstract: This research focuses on developing a high-speed query algorithm for multi-attribute large-volume data, in which data compression and fast querying can be simultaneously achieved. In the past decade, this type of problem is usually resolved by storing the data in a database, and querying is carried out through database- embedded methods. As the data volume is growing in a tenfold fashion, these methods are encountering difficulties in data manipulation as far as efficiency is concerned. A number of approaches, e.g., the Bloom Filters, have been proposed for querying purposes in large-volume data using a compact structure requiring less memory space. These approaches often limit themselves to single-attribute querying, and the multi counterpart can only be achieved by layered implementations where errors, e.g., the false positives, are prone to increase. We propose an improved CMAC mechanism seeking to achieve fast multi-attribute querying with less memory space and errors. Experimental results show favorable performances for our proposed mechanism.
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