International Conference on Engineering and Business Management (EBM 2010 PAPERBACK)


ISBN: 978-1-935068-05-1 Scientific Research Publishing, USA

Paperback 6066pp Pub. Date: March 2010

Category: Engineering

Price: $280

Title: The Study on Constructing Psychological Contract of Knowledge Worker
Source: International Conference on Engineering and Business Management (EBM 2010 PAPERBACK) (pp 1088-1091)
Author(s): Shuguang Cong, History and culture industry institute, University of Jinan, Jinan China, 250022
Abstract: Abstract: In the course of cooperation between knowledge worker and enterprises, a sold psychological contract of two sides is playing a more and more important role. The construction and maintenance of psychological contract between them has a direct impact on behaviors and attitude of knowledge worker, and then decides enterprise to create the level of value-added; at last determines the fate in industry competition. Based on incentives and influencing factors to build psychological contract of knowledge worker, the article will study the process to build psychological contract.
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