International Conference on Engineering and Business Management (EBM 2010 PAPERBACK)


ISBN: 978-1-935068-05-1 Scientific Research Publishing, USA

Paperback 6066pp Pub. Date: March 2010

Category: Engineering

Price: $280

Title: Global Monetary System should be Perfected by the Framework of Currency Diversification
Source: International Conference on Engineering and Business Management (EBM 2010 PAPERBACK) (pp 3976-3979)
Author(s): Mingru Zhu, Changchun Taxation College, Changchun, China,130117
Abstract: Abstract: The United States has over-issued dollars continuously, which caused the inflation in the global economy and chaos in the stock market, and then it caused the financial crisis. The well known public figures express their views on how to resolve the global financial crisis. Firstly this paper analyzes harm of the United States dollars’ over-issuance, then compares history with reality of the United States in term of violation of economic principles, and finally puts forward a approach to resolve this financial crisis through currency diversification.
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