International Conference on Engineering and Business Management (EBM 2010 PAPERBACK)


ISBN: 978-1-935068-05-1 Scientific Research Publishing, USA

Paperback 6066pp Pub. Date: March 2010

Category: Engineering

Price: $280

Title: Discussion on E-Privacy Violation by Cyber Manhunt in China
Source: International Conference on Engineering and Business Management (EBM 2010 PAPERBACK) (pp 5562-5565)
Author(s): Haitong Jin, Center for Economic Law, Law Dept., Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005, China
Zhengzheng Fang, Center for Economic Law, Law Dept., Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005, China
Yixuan Liu, Center for Economic Law, Law Dept., Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005, China
Abstract: Abstract: Cyber manhunt, one of the top ten popular words on the Internet in 2008, is an innovation of the traditional Internet search engine.Cyber manhunt gives the netizens utmost freedom of speech while violates e-privacy badly. With the trial of Beijinger Wangfei suing three websites for reputation and privacy violation which is called the 1st anti-cyber manhunt case going on, the arguments on cyber manhunt is unprecedentedly heated. This article introduces the case of Wangfei in general, explores and analyzes the contradiction between freedom of speech and e-privacy protection arising from the phenomenon of cyber manhunt at first, then compares the Cyber Manhunt Pact formulated by the netizens themselves with the regulation banning Cyber Manhunt in Xuzhou, Jiangsu province. Finally, this article concludes with some suggestions combining online self-discipline with proper regulation so as to regulate cyberspace effectively as well as balance the netizens’ freedom of speech and their e-privacy protection.
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