"CF chatters": the development of a theoretically informed physical activity intervention for youth with cystic fibrosis


Despite the benefits of physical activity for youth living with cystic fibrosis (CF), the majority of patients are insufficiently active to meet physical activity recommendations. Existing physical activity interventions are atheoretical and tend to prescribe standardized exercise regimes which are often not appealing for children and compromise long term adherence. Following recent calls for counselling based physical activity approaches in the CF population, this study describes the development of a theoretically informed, parent-mediated, behavioural counselling intervention for CF youth―“CF Chatters”. We first a) describe the development of a grounded theory of physical activity in youth with CF; b) explain how this theory informed the development and implementation of the CF Chatters program and c) reflect on the findings of our pilot intervention using a case study research design. CF Chatters participants demonstrated self reported increases in physical activity and quality of life. While further development and more robust objective measures are needed to extend this investigative pilot work, our findings suggest that behavioural counselling is an effective modality for enhancing physical activity participation and quality of life in this life limited group of children and youth.

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Moola, F. , Faulkner, G. and Schneiderman, J. (2011) "CF chatters": the development of a theoretically informed physical activity intervention for youth with cystic fibrosis. Open Journal of Preventive Medicine, 1, 109-124. doi: 10.4236/ojpm.2011.13016.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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