Edge Detection of Composite Insulators Hydrophobic Image Based on Improved Canny Operator


The detection of hydrophobicity is an important way to evaluate the performance of composite insulators, which is helpful to the safe operation of composite insulators. Image processing technology is used to judge the hydrophobicity of composite insulators, which makes detection results more accurate and overcomes the subjective drawbacks of traditional detection methods. As the traditional Canny operator requires manual intervention in selecting the variance of the Gaussian filter and the threshold, the paper presents a method of edge detection based on improved Canny operator. First, the adaptive median filter replaces the Gaussian filter, which can eliminate the impact from the variance of Gaussian filter and remove noise according to the characteristics of the image itself. Then the Ostu threshold method is used to select the best threshold automatically, which makes the edge detection be more continuous and reduce the presence of fake edges. The results show that the operator is applicable to all hydrophobic images.

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K. Yan, F. Wang, Z. Zhang, N. Li and F. Lv, "Edge Detection of Composite Insulators Hydrophobic Image Based on Improved Canny Operator," Energy and Power Engineering, Vol. 5 No. 4B, 2013, pp. 593-596. doi: 10.4236/epe.2013.54B114.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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