Teaching of Science and Mathematics in Pre-Schools of Botswana: The Existing Practices


The study aims to examine the state of mathematics and science education in pre-schools of Botswana. The study intended to find out the knowledge base of the teachers, the content and the process of activities that were carried out in pre-schools, and also gauged availability and usage of resources in pre-schools, while identifying the challenges faced and the strategies used to overcome by the teachers, in carrying out Maths and Science activities. The study adopted both quantitative and qualitative approaches. The research was done using survey questionnaire and observation techniques and was conducted in 26 pre-schools in Gaborone. The sample comprised of 64 teachers and 17 administrators who were identified by using purposive sampling techniques. Quantitative data was also analysed using SPSS version 20, and responses to Open-ended questions were analysed qualitatively. The findings showed that the trained teachers although not in ECE, claimed to have some knowledge base of mathematics and science, and identified pedagogy to be more important than content, for teaching science and mathematics at ECE. They however, were of the view that ECE teacher training influences the knowledge base of the teachers, and hence specialised training in ECE is necessary. The study also showed that mathematics activities were predominant in the pre-schools as compared to science activities; the teachers frequently engaged in mathematics and science activities outdoors; and the mathematics and science corners that were available in most centres, were not utilised adequately. It further revealed that an equal number of the teachers, i.e. almost half of them, faced challenges while teaching mathematics and science in pre-schools, as those who did not. The study therefore recommended ECE teachers’ professional training on knowledge, pedagogy and content; and the menu to include more indoor and science activities.

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Bose, K. , Tsamaase, M. & Seetso, G. (2013). Teaching of Science and Mathematics in Pre-Schools of Botswana: The Existing Practices. Creative Education, 4, 43-51. doi: 10.4236/ce.2013.47A1006.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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