Creative Learning Setting: Autonomous Self-Regulatory Support as Smoking Prevention


298 fifth graders’ motivational styles were measured using the Treatment Self-Regulatory Questionnaire prior to and six weeks following a creative student-centred anti-smoking intervention in secondary schools. In this paper we can clearly show that our creative learning setting leads to a significant increase in autonomous motivation and a decrease in controlled motivation. Autonomously motivated pupils had less or no experience with cigarettes. Pupils’ main guesses about when or why young people smoke, are curiosity or being together with others. We conclude that such a short-term preventative intervention with different creative educational methods positively affects pupils’ health self-regulation.

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Hedler, C. & Bogner, F. (2013). Creative Learning Setting: Autonomous Self-Regulatory Support as Smoking Prevention. Creative Education, 4, 154-159. doi: 10.4236/ce.2013.42022.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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