Streamflow Decomposition Based Integrated ANN Model


The prediction of riverflows requires the understanding of rainfall-runoff process which is highly nonlinear, dynamic and complex in nature. In this research streamflow decomposition based integrated ANN (SD-ANN) model is developed to improve the efficacy rather than using a single ANN model for the flow hydrograph. The streamflows are decomposed into two states namely 1) the rise state and 2) the fall state. The rainfall-runoff data obtained from the Kolar River basin is used to test the efficacy of the proposed model when compared to feed-forward ANN model (FF-ANN). The results obtained in this study indicate that the proposed SD-ANN model outperforms the single ANN model in terms of both the statistical indices and the prediction of high flows.

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N. Bhatia, L. Sharma, S. Srivastava, N. Katyal and R. Srivastav, "Streamflow Decomposition Based Integrated ANN Model," Open Journal of Modern Hydrology, Vol. 3 No. 1, 2013, pp. 15-19. doi: 10.4236/ojmh.2013.31003.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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