Obesity trends in Russia. The impact on health and healthcare costs


Similar to most developed countries, obesity rates inRussiahave been steadily increasing. This has led to a high burden of obesity related diseases and associated healthcare costs. The micro-simulation model has been utilized to project body mass index (BMI) and BMI related disease burden and healthcare costs. Incidence, mortality, survival and healthcare costs were collected for thirteen diseases. The results have been simulated for 3 hypothetical scenarios to project a potential impact of policy interventions: 1) assuming no reduction in BMI; 2) 1% reduction in mean BMI across the population; 3) 5% reduction in mean BMI across the population. Nearly 58% of the female population was obese (BMI ≥30 kg/m2) or overweight (BMI 25 -29.9 kg/m2) in 2010, and the prevalence is projected to decrease to 54% in 2050. The rates are predicted to increase for men from 51% in 2010 to 76% in 2050. The prevalence rates will triple for some obesity-related diseases. A one percent decrease in BMI across the population will save more than two billion US Dollars in 2030 and 2050. Despite female obesity prevalence starting at a higher point than the men, obesity is predicted to increase in males but not females. Disease and economic burden attributed to these obesity rates are still severe and the country should implement strong policies to tackle the obesity epidemic.

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Rtveladze, K. , Marsh, T. , Webber, L. , Kilpi, F. , Goryakin, Y. , Kontsevaya, A. , Starodubova, A. , McPherson, K. and Brown, M. (2012) Obesity trends in Russia. The impact on health and healthcare costs. Health, 4, 1471-1484. doi: 10.4236/health.2012.412A212.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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