Uncovering the Knowledge Flows in Supply Chain Relationships


The acquisition process of knowledge by organizations is not easy and its spread among individuals, organizations and networks is even more complex. The understanding of the mechanisms involved in the knowledge flow between organizations can help to minimize the problems associated with processes in supply chains. In this paper, we present a systematic search of literature, which aimed to identify the relevance of this issue and how it has been studied on the academic literature. We performed an identification and mapping of knowledge flows between two types of organizations (inter-firm level) of Brazilian chain pig farming: industries and producers (farmers). Among the agricultural activities, this activity is one of the most aggressive to the environment. Some factors associated with environmental sustainability and current market barriers in this chain were identified, where it is necessary to consider the dynamics of knowledge flows. For knowledge flows and practices being effectively implemented across organizations, it was noted that issues such as the motivation of the members are key factors which in order to apply valuable knowledge. Considering this, it is necessary that the reasons and benefits for sharing being clearly established. This study contributes to the perception of the importance of identify and map knowledge flows. It also contributes to the realization of further empirical research in order to examine knowledge flows among organizations.

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D. Kurtz, J. Santos and G. Varvakis, "Uncovering the Knowledge Flows in Supply Chain Relationships," iBusiness, Vol. 4 No. 4, 2012, pp. 326-334. doi: 10.4236/ib.2012.44041.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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