The interaction between the dopaminergic and the serotonergic systems in the 6-OHDA rat model of Parkinson’s disease


This review summarizes published results that are related to the coupling between the dopaminergic and the serotonergic systems and their association to Parkinson’s disease. We focus on the 6-hydroxydopamine rat model of Parkinson’s disease to better understand how dopamine dysfunction affects the serotonergic system, and furthermore to investigate whether a bidi-rectional coupling exists and how it affects functionality and behavior. The accumulated evidence supports a proposed mechanism for this coupling that evolves the lateral habenula.

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Sourani, D. and Goelman, G. (2012) The interaction between the dopaminergic and the serotonergic systems in the 6-OHDA rat model of Parkinson’s disease. Health, 4, 1218-1224. doi: 10.4236/health.2012.431179.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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