Risk factors distribution and cardiovascular disease prevalence in the Italian population: The CHECK study


Objective: To evaluate the distribution of cardiovascular risk factors and the prevalence of cardiovascular disease in a sample of the Italian population. Methods: CHECK (Cholesterol and Health: Education, Control and Knowledge) is a cross-sectional observational study in a randomised sample of the Italian adult population aged 40 - 79 years, in the setting of general practice. Results: 5846 subjects (50.3% male) were included in the analysis. The mean age [±SD] of the observed cohort was 57.8 (±10.3) years. One out of five subjects smoked cigarettes and almost 80% didn’t engage in regular leisure-time physical activity. The mean blood pressure was 132.0 [±14.7]/81.2 [±7.9] mmHg. The total and LDL-cholesterol levels were respectively 205.3 [±35.9] mg/dL and 124.9 [±29.9] mg/dL. The mean glucose concentration was 98.3 [±28.2] mg/dL. The prevalence rate of hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, and type 2 diabetes were respectively 51.8%, 55.6%, and 13.0%. 8.9% of the observed subjects had a history of cardiovascular events, while in the primary prevention group the 10-year-risk of coronary heart disease (Framingham algorithm) was 10.1% [±8.3%] and of cardiovascular disease (CUORE algorithm) was 5.2% [±5.9%]. Conclusion: The CHECK study provides a detailed description of a randomised sample of the Italian population, contributing to evaluate the prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors and the main cardiovascular disease in Italy and to provide a baseline to set priorities and objectives for future intervention of health policy.

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Tragni, E. , Filippi, A. , Casula, M. , Favato, G. , Brignoli, O. , Cricelli, C. , Poli, A. and Catapano, A. (2012) Risk factors distribution and cardiovascular disease prevalence in the Italian population: The CHECK study. Open Journal of Epidemiology, 2, 90-100. doi: 10.4236/ojepi.2012.24014.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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