An Innovative Change in Technology Integration: Training Pre-Service Kindergarten Teachers to Be Courseware Designers


This study focuses on exploring whether pre-service kindergarten teachers can be trained to be designers of digital courseware through learning a series of technology training courses in a limited period of time during their teacher training program. The results show that preschool pre-service teachers can become courseware designers and have the capacity to integrate and produce multimedia courseware in their classroom teaching. This study also demonstrates an adequate training course and pattern for training teachers to be courseware producers, which can be referenced by other teacher training institutions.

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Lin, C. (2012). An Innovative Change in Technology Integration: Training Pre-Service Kindergarten Teachers to Be Courseware Designers. Creative Education, 3, 1177-1183. doi: 10.4236/ce.2012.37175.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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