Gravimetric Study of Geological Structures of Teboursouk Area, Northern Tunisia


Gravity data associated with surface geology in the Northern Tunisian Atlas offer better understand to the underlying structures in Teboursouk area and to highlight other deep or unknown structures in surface. The gravity study was based on qualitative and quantitative analysis including the construction of the gravity Bouguer anomaly, upward continuations, residual anomaly, and Horizontal gradient maxima maps. The main results display many positive and negative anomalies as the response of geological structures (J. Cheid Triassic structure, Khalled plain, El Aroussa plain). In addition, the horizontal gradient maxima integrated with geological and structural maps let the identification of major directions of gravimetric lineaments in the study area us NE-SW trending features at the boundaries of J. Cheid structure, NW-SE direction that limit Gaafour plain and Tabet Ech Cherif syncline, and N-S trending that bordered El Aroussa basin. Major results allowed the construction of a new structural map of the study zone.

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A. Ayed-Khaled, T. Zouaghi, M. Ghanmi and F. Zargouni, "Gravimetric Study of Geological Structures of Teboursouk Area, Northern Tunisia," International Journal of Geosciences, Vol. 3 No. 4, 2012, pp. 675-682. doi: 10.4236/ijg.2012.34068.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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