Characterization Studies on Ilmenite of Ullal and Suratkal along Karnataka Coastline, West Coast of India


Granulometric and heavy mineral investigations of sediments along the coastal region from Ullal beach to Suratkal beaches along western coast of Karnataka were undertaken systematically. Texturally the beach sediments were medium size sand in the southern region, where as fine size sand was observed in the northern region. Unimodal, moderately sorted to moderately well sorted, symmetrically skewed and mesokurtic nature was observed in the southern region of the study area. In the northern sector, the grain size distribution was observed to be unimodal, moderately well sorted to well sorted, coarse skewed and mesokurtic in nature. As far as organic carbon and calcium carbonate contents are concerned, the trend showed an increase from south to northern region. The concentration of heavy minerals in the southern region was higher compared to the study area of northern region. Further the heavy mineral concentration was more at either side of the mouth bar of the Netravathi River. Subsequent to heavy mineral separation the ilmenite fraction was isolated using magnetic isodynamic separator. It was further characterized by chemical analysis of major constituents such as TiO2 and FeO. A mineralogical and morphological investigation of the mineral was evaluated using techniques such as SEM and EDAX .The degree of alteration of ilmenite was investigated using X.R.D analysis.

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M. Sundararajan, K. Bhat, N. Babu, M. Janaki and P. Das, "Characterization Studies on Ilmenite of Ullal and Suratkal along Karnataka Coastline, West Coast of India," Journal of Minerals and Materials Characterization and Engineering, Vol. 8 No. 6, 2009, pp. 479-493. doi: 10.4236/jmmce.2009.86042.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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