Recycling Practices of Spent MgO-C Refractories


The recycling options of spent MgO-C refractories from an electrical arc furnace (EAF) have been evaluated. The economic, quality of spent refractories and products made from it, the ease of implementation of a recycling practice and the interest of steel melt shops were considered. It was decided that the best option of most EAF shops would be to recycle spent MgO-C refractory as a foaming slag conditioner because of their MgO content. Crushed MgO-C spent refractories can be reused directly back into an EAF without complex and costly beneficiation. Even though this practice is simple, it is critical to know the optimum amount of MgO in the slag to achieve the best foaming quality. A computer model was designed to find the optimum MgO amount. This modeling also helps the melt shop extend refractory service life, increase the energy efficiency, increase productivity, and decrease the amount of slag. Issues related to the refractory recycling will be discussed.


Recycling, MgO-C, EAF

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K. Kwong and J. Bennett, "Recycling Practices of Spent MgO-C Refractories," Journal of Minerals and Materials Characterization and Engineering, Vol. 1 No. 2, 2002, pp. 69-78. doi: 10.4236/jmmce.2002.12005.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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