Andosolization of Soils on a Strombolian Cone at Mount Bambouto, Cameroon
Pierre S. Tsopjio Jiomeneck, Paul Tematio, Mike A. Wilson, Martin Yemefack
DOI: 10.4236/ojss.2011.13013   PDF    HTML     4,223 Downloads   7,612 Views   Citations


Morphology, mineral and geochemical investigations were carried out on two selected soil pedons (ZA and TO) developed on a late Quaternary-aged strombolian cone to better understand andosolization processes in Mount Bambouto, Cameroon. Both pedons have A-BC-C horizonation. They have thick surface (A) horizon with bulk density <0.7g?cm-3, Alo + 0.5Feo about 2% and P retention >90%. Mineral association consists predominantly of kaolinite, gibbsite, goe- thite, organometal complexes and trace amount of ferrihydrite and allophane. The Ki values between 1.1 and 1.6, the low TRB (45 to 67 mg kg-1), the important IMob (20% to 24%), the CIA between 60% and 70% and the EFs above 1.16 for Al and Fe, and below 0.6 for Si indicate sparingly hydrolysis process in subsoil during which released Al, Fe and Si form allophanic or ferrihydrite minerals undergo crystallization into kaolinite, gibbsite and goethite, respectively. At topsoil, part of released Al (and Fe) is organically bounded with organic acids to form organometal complexes.

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P. Tsopjio Jiomeneck, P. Tematio, M. Wilson and M. Yemefack, "Andosolization of Soils on a Strombolian Cone at Mount Bambouto, Cameroon," Open Journal of Soil Science, Vol. 1 No. 3, 2011, pp. 97-105. doi: 10.4236/ojss.2011.13013.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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