The Effects of Knee Joint Pain and Disorders on Knee Extension Strength and Walking Ability in the Female Elderly


This study examines the differences in leg strength and walking ability among groups with different knee problems. The participants were 328 elderly females (60 - 94 years old; mean age 76.1 years; SD = 6.2) who were classified into three groups: those without knee pain or a knee disorder, those with knee pain, and those with a knee disorder. The subjects took knee extension strength and 12 meter maximum effort walk tests. Knee extension strength was significantly lower in the groups with knee pain and a knee disorder than in the group without pain or a knee disorder. Walking speed was significantly slower in the group with a knee disorder than in the other two groups. In conclusion, the female elderly with knee pain or a knee disorder are inferior in knee extension strength and walking ability. In addition, the elderly with a knee disorder are inferior in walking ability to the elderly with knee pain.

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Sugiura, H. and Demura, S. (2012) The Effects of Knee Joint Pain and Disorders on Knee Extension Strength and Walking Ability in the Female Elderly. Advances in Physical Education, 2, 139-143. doi: 10.4236/ape.2012.24024.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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