
Prof. Claude Verdier

University of Grenoble, France



1990 Ph.D., University of Minnesota, USA

Publications (Selected)

  1. C. Verdier, Coalescence of polymer droplets: experiments on collision, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris t.1 Série IV, 119-126 (2000).
  2. C. Verdier, H.T. Vinagre, M. Piau, D.D. Joseph, High temperature interfacial measurements of PA6/PP interfaces compatibilized with copolymers using a spinning drop tensiometer, Polymer, 41, 6683-6689 (2000).
  3. P.Y. Longin, C. Verdier, M. Piau, Ultrasonic investigation of PDMS/PIB blends in a wide range of concentrations, J. Rheol., 44(5), 1189-1203 (2000).
  4. C. Letang, M. Piau, C. Verdier, L. Lefebvre, Characterization of wheat flourwater doughs. A new method using ultrasound, Ultrasonics, 39, 133-141 (2001).
  5. C. Verdier, The influence of the viscosity ratio on polymer droplet collision in quiescent blends, Polymer, 42(16), 6999-7007 (2001).
  6. J.-F. Blachot, D. Dupeyre, C. Verdier, Peelback of highly oriented cellulosic fibres, J. Materials Sci., 36, 4223-4230 (2001).
  7. C. Verdier, M. Brizard, Understanding droplet coalescence and its use to measure interfacial tension, Rheol. Acta, 41, 514-523 (2002).
  8. T. Biben, C. Misbah, A. Leyrat, C. Verdier, An advected-field approach to the dynamics of fluid interfaces, Europhys. Letters, 63(4), 623-629 (2003).
  9. C. Verdier, J.M. Piau, The effect of the nonlinear viscoelastic properties on tack, J. Polym. Sci. Part B: Polym. Phys., 41(23), 3139-3149 (2003).
  10. C. Verdier, Review: Rheological properties of living materials. From cells to tissues, J. Theor. Medicine, 5(2), 67-91 (2003).
  11. J.-M. Piau, G. Ravilly, C. Verdier, Peeling of Polydimethysiloxane adhesives at low velocities: cohesive failure, J. Polym. Sci. Part B: Polym. Phys, 43(2), 145-157 (2005).
  12. M. Brizard, M. Megharfi, E. Mahe, C. Verdier, Design of a high precision falling ball viscometer, Rev. Sci. Instruments, 76, 025109 (2005).
  13. J. Beaucourt, T. Biben, C. Verdier, Elongation and burst of axisymmetric viscoelastic droplets: a numerical study, Phys. Rev. E, 71(6), 066309 (2005).
  14. E. Canetta, A. Leyrat, C. Verdier, A. Duperray, Measuring cell viscoelastic properties using a force spectrometer: influence of the protein-cytoplasm interactions, Biorheology, 42(5), 321-333 (2005).
  15. R. Chotard-Ghodsnia, O. Haddad, A. Leyrat, A. Drochon, C. Verdier, A. Duperray, Morphological analysis of tumor cell/endothelial cell interactions under shear flow, J. Biomechanics, 40, 335-344 (2007).
  16. J. Beaucourt, T. Biben, A. Leyrat, C. Verdier, Modeling breakup and relaxation of Newtonian droplets using the advected phase-field approach, Phys. Rev. E, 75, 021405 (2007).
  17. C. Verdier, G. Ravilly, Peeling of Polydimethylsiloxane Adhesives: the case of adhesive failure, J. Polym. Sci. Part B: Polym. Phys., 45(16), 2113-2122 (2007).
  18. Q. Jin, C. Verdier, P. Singh, N. Aubry, R. Chotard-Ghodsnia, A. Duperray, Migration and deformation of leukocytes in pressure driven flows, Mechanics Res. Comm., 34, 411-422 (2007).
  19. G. Danker, T. Biben, T. Podgorski, C. Verdier, C. Misbah, Dynamic rheology of a dilute suspension of vesicles: higher order theory, Phys. Rev. E, 76, 041905 (2007).
  20. G. Danker, C. Verdier, C. Misbah, Rheology and dynamics of vesicle suspension in comparison with droplet emulsion, J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech., 152, 156-167 (2008).
  21. A.   Iordan, A. Duperray, C. Verdier, Fractal approach to the rheology of concentrated cell suspensions, Phys. Rev. E., 77, 011911 (2008).
  22. B. D. Ambrosi, A. Duperray, V. Peschetola, C. Verdier, Traction patterns of tumor cells, J. Math Biology, 58, 163-181 (2009).
  23. C. Verdier, C. Couzon, A. Duperray, P. Singh, Modelling cell interactions under flow, J. Math. Biology, 58, 235-259 (2009).
  24. C. Couzon, A. Duperray, C. Verdier, Critical stresses for cancer cell detachment in microchannels, Eur. Biophys. J., 38, 1035-1047 (2009).
  25. C. Verdier, J. Etienne, A. Duperray, L. Preziosi, Review : Rheological properties of biological tissues, C. R. Acad. Sci., 10, 790-811 (2009).
  26. L. Preziosi, D. Ambrosi, C. Verdier, An elasto-visco-plastic model of cell aggregates, J. Theor. Biol., 262, 35-47 (2010).
  27. O. Haddad, R. Chotard-Ghodsnia, C. Verdier, A. Duperray, Tumor cellendothelial cell tight contact upregulates endothelial adhesion molecule expression mediated by NFκB : differential role of the shear stress, Exp. Cell Research, 316, 615-626 (2010).
  28. R. Michel, C. Montella, C. Verdier, J.-P. Diard, Numerical computation of the Faradaic impedance of inlaid microdisk electrodes using a finite element method with anisotropic mesh adaptation, Electrochim. Acta., 55, 6263-6273, (2010).
  29. A. Iordan, A. Duperray, A. Gerard, A. Grichine, C. Verdier, Cell-collagen networks breakdown by cell remodeling, Biorheology, 47, 277-295 (2010).
  30. M. Sellier, V. M. Nock, C. Verdier, Self-propelling, coalescing droplets, Int. J. Multiphase flows, 37, 462-468 (2011).
  31. C. Verdier, P. Peyla, Rheological properties of confined suspensions, en préparation, Europhys. Letters, 94, 44001 (2011).
  32. Book "Cell mechanics. From single scale-based models to multiscale modeling", Eds. A. Chauviere, L. Preziosi, C. Verdier, Chapman & Hall/CRC, Mathematical and Computational Biology Series, ISBN 978-1-4200-9454-1, january 2010, 456 pages.
  33. P. Steffen, C. Verdier, C. Wagner, Quantification of depletion-induced adhesion of Red Blood Cells, submitted (2012).
  34. S. Chiron, C. Tomczak, A. Duperray, J. Laine, G. Bonne, T. Eschenhagen, C. Verdier, C. Coirault, Dynamic interplay between human myoblasts and 3D fibrin-based matrix, submitted (2012).
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