Geostatistical Analyst for Deciding Optimal Interpolation Strategies for Delineating Compact Zones
Kalpana Harishwar Kamble, Pramila Aggrawal
DOI: 10.4236/ijg.2011.24061   PDF    HTML     6,596 Downloads   11,087 Views   Citations


Variability maps of Hydraulic conductivity (K) were generated by using geo statistical analyst extension of ARC GIS for delineating compact zones in a farm. In the initial exploratory spatial data analysis, K data for 0 - 15 and 15 - 30 cm soil layers showed spatial dependence, anisotropy, normality on log transformation and linear trend. Outliers present in both layers were also removed. In the next step, cross validation statistics of different combinations of kriging (Ordinary, simple and universal), data transformations (none and logarithmic) and trends (none and linear) were compared. Combination of no data transformation and linear trend removal was the best choice as it resulted in more accurate and unbiased prediction. It thus, confirmed that for generating prediction maps by kriging, data need not be normal. Ordinary kriging is appropriate when trend is linear. Among various available anisotropic semivariogram models, spherical model for 0 - 15 cm and tetra spherical model for 15 - 30 cm were found to be the best with major and minor ranges between 273 - 410 m and 98 - 213 m. The kriging was superior to other interpolation techniques as the slope of the best fit line of scatter plot of predicted vs. measured data points was more (0.76) in kriging than in inverse distance weighted interpolation (0.61) and global polynomial interpolation (0.56). In the generated prediction maps, areas where K was <12 cm?day–1 were delineated as compact zone. Hence, it can be concluded that geostatistical analyst is a complete package for preprocessing of data and for choosing the optimal interpolation strategies.

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K. Kamble and P. Aggrawal, "Geostatistical Analyst for Deciding Optimal Interpolation Strategies for Delineating Compact Zones," International Journal of Geosciences, Vol. 2 No. 4, 2011, pp. 585-596. doi: 10.4236/ijg.2011.24061.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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