Salt tolerant culturable microbes accessible in the soil of the Sundarban Mangrove forest, India


Sundarban Mangrove forest is highly productive marine ecosystem where halophilic microbes actively participate in bio-mineralization and biotransformation of minerals. The population of aerobic halophilic microbes was studied to determine their distribution with the availability of different physicochemical parameters with increasing depth of this forest sediment. The present study revealed that microbes present in the top soil region were less tolerant to fluctuation in salinity than the middle and bottom segment. Microbes isolated from bottom segment showed higher growth rate in anaerobic condition. A decreasing trend of total microbial population and organic carbon content of soil were found with increase in depth. In contrary a reverse profile was found for salinity. A significant stratification was found to exist among microbial population and the salty nature of the soil of Sundarban Mangrove forest.

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Das, S. , De, M. , Ray, R. , Ganguly, D. , Jana, T. and De, T. (2011) Salt tolerant culturable microbes accessible in the soil of the Sundarban Mangrove forest, India. Open Journal of Ecology, 1, 35-40. doi: 10.4236/oje.2011.12004.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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