Tako-tsubo syndrome after administration of intravenous adrenaline during atrioventricular block


We describe the clinical case of a 70-year-old woman with complete atrioventricular block that after administration of intravenous adrenaline, developed electrocardiographic changes suggestive of acute coronary syndrome, together with apical dyskinesia of the left ventricle. After ruling out the existence of coronary lesions, and after total recovery of the echocardiographic alterations in segmental contractility, she was diagnosed as Tako-tsubo syndrome induced by administration of adrenaline. This is the first report of this syndrome in the scenario of atrioventricular block treated with adrenaline infusion.

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Calvo-Taracido, M. , Almendro-Delia, M. and C. Garcia-Rubira, J. (2013) Tako-tsubo syndrome after administration of intravenous adrenaline during atrioventricular block. Open Journal of Emergency Medicine, 1, 8-10. doi: 10.4236/ojem.2013.12003.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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