Competitive Orientations and Men’s Acceptance of Cosmetic Surgery


As with women, men are experiencing increased pressure to achieve media-conveyed societal ideals for appearance and their consideration of cosmetic surgery as a means to enhance their appearance for competitive advantage in social and career realms has been increasing. This study considered individual differences in competitive orientations and the acceptance of cosmetic surgery among men. Hypercompetitiveness (psychologically unhealthy) was predictive of acceptance of cosmetic surgery even after age, self-esteem, body mass index, and body dysmorphia were taken into account. Personal development competitiveness (psychologically healthy) was negatively associated with body dysmorphia and was not predictive of acceptance of cosmetic surgery among men. These results for men, along with previous research among women (Thornton et al., 2013), indicate that a hypercompetitive orientation contributes to the consideration of cosmetic surgery independent of body image concerns for both men and women.

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Thornton, B. , Ryckman, R. & Gold, J. (2013). Competitive Orientations and Men’s Acceptance of Cosmetic Surgery. Psychology, 4, 950-955. doi: 10.4236/psych.2013.412137.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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