Identification of a SSR marker (TOM-144) linked to Fusarium wilt resistance in Solanum lycopersicum


With the discovery of molecular markers and marker assisted selection technology, the research has entered into a new era and has made it possible to develop new and more informative PCR-based markers, including SSR, and to further facilitate the use of markers in tomato breeding. The present study is a step to introduce a new SSR marker (TOM-144) which was deduced after evaluation of eight microsatellite loci amongst the twenty-one different tomato cultivars. The marker selected was inherited and segregated in mendelian fashion as demonstrated in successive generation of a cross between parent cvs. H-24 x GT-2.

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Parmar, P. , Sudhir, A. , Preethi, R. , Dave, B. , Panchal, K. , Subramanian, R. , Patel, A. and Kathiria, K. (2013) Identification of a SSR marker (TOM-144) linked to Fusarium wilt resistance in Solanum lycopersicum. American Journal of Molecular Biology, 3, 241-247. doi: 10.4236/ajmb.2013.34031.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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