Efficient Implementations of NTRU in Wireless Network


NTRU is a lattice-based public key cryptosystem featuring reasonably short, easily created keys, high speed, and low memory requirements, seems viable for wireless network. This paper presents two optimized designs based on the enhanced NTRU algorithm. One is a light-weight and fast NTRU core, it performs encryption only. This work has a gate-count of 1175 gates and a power consumption of 1.51 μW. It can finish the whole encryption process in 1498 μs at 500 kHz. As such, it is perfect for wireless sensor network. Another high-speed NTRU core is capable of both encryption and decryption, with delays of 16,064 μs and 128,010 μs in encryption and decryption respectively. Moreover, it consists of 25,758 equivalent gates and has a total power consumption of 59.2 μW (it will be reduced greatly if low power methods were adopted). This core is recommended to be used in base stations or servers in wireless network.


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Zhan, X. , Zhang, R. , Xiong, Z. , Zheng, Z. and Liu, Z. (2013) Efficient Implementations of NTRU in Wireless Network. Communications and Network, 5, 485-492. doi: 10.4236/cn.2013.53B2089.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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