The development of patient education: Experiences of collaborative work between special and primary care in Finland


Evaluating care pathways, strengthening patient education, developing staff’s patient education skills, and improving collaboration between primary and special healthcare workers are all topical challenges. Successful patient education requires seamless cooperation across organizational boundaries throughout the whole nursing process. The aim of this study is to describe participants’ experiences of development work between primary and special health care units on patient education. In this qualitative descriptive study twenty four health care workers who took part in development work in a collaborative project of special and primary health care service in northern Finland were interviewed when they had nine months’ experience of the development work. The material was analysed using content analysis. Experiences of the nature of development work were described using the following categories: attachment to development work, delight in participation, factors supporting success and challenges of development work. Improvement of co-operation between special and primary health service is a topical challenge. Participation in development work offers occupational learning opportunities. Evaluation and development of own work strengthens staff members’ occupational know-how. The results of this research may be utilized in the planning and execution of development work in the field of health care.

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Lipponen, K. , Kanste, O. and Kyngäs, H. (2013) The development of patient education: Experiences of collaborative work between special and primary care in Finland. Open Journal of Nursing, 3, 101-107. doi: 10.4236/ojn.2013.31013.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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