Apple Economy of Village Zandra in Light of World System Theory


This paper deals with research findings regarding horticulture, a major sources of income in the Village Zandra, District Ziarat in the province of Balochistan. Initially the natives were earning their livelihood through horticulture only. The main contribution was coming through apple production. The process of tree plantation and the people involved in horticulture economy have been discussed in this article. During the last 3 decades few changes have been witnessed. Shift from subsistence to market economy has increased the lust for money due to which the natives have started opting for secondary sources of income. In horticulture they have started using technology, pesticides and chemical fertilizers to maximize their production and profit. They are also switching over to the cultivation of profitable types of apple. The impact of these changes has been analyzed in light of world system theory at micro level. The data presented in this paper have been collected by using qualitative anthropological research techniques.

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A. Mohyuddin, H. Chaudhry and M. Ambreen, "Apple Economy of Village Zandra in Light of World System Theory," Open Journal of Applied Sciences, Vol. 3 No. 1, 2013, pp. 39-43. doi: 10.4236/ojapps.2013.31006.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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