Low and High Risk Human Papillomavirus in the Oral Mucosa of Mexican Women with Genital Papillomavirus


Background: Human papillomaviruses (HPV) are implicated in cervical cancer and, recently in oral cancer. In Mexico, there are few studies on oral cancer, therefore the interest in identifying the HPV frequency of low and high risk in samples of the oral and cervical cavities, and determining some risk factors. Objective: To determine the frequency of high and low risk HPV infection in the oral cavity of women with cervical HPV, and to correlate the infection site with risk factors. Materials and Methods: Eighteen female patients between 24 and 53 years, with antecedents of genital HPV infection were included. Both samples of oral cavity and cervix were obtained. DNA extraction from the epithelial cells was performed using the Qiagen kit. PCR was done and the amplicon was observed in 2% agarose gels stained with ethidium bromide. A correlation of HPV infection and risk factors was done. Results: HPV-DNA was detected in the 67% of both samples. The frequency of oral and cervix low risk HPV-DNA was 50%, while high risk HPV-DNA in oral cavity was detected in 17%, and 39% in the cervix. The study of the risk factors involved in HPV infection showed that the participants had the habits of smoking 39%; alcohol drinking 28%; and 78% oral sex. Conclusion: The results showed a high frequency of HPV (67%) infection in the oral and genital mucosas, suggesting that patient’s habits could contribute to the infection; the presence of HPV in the oral mucosa may act as reservoir for new HPV infections.

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A. Fernández, D. Rosete, S. Pedraza, F. Mejía, J. Delgado and M. Manjarrez, "Low and High Risk Human Papillomavirus in the Oral Mucosa of Mexican Women with Genital Papillomavirus," Open Journal of Medical Microbiology, Vol. 3 No. 1, 2013, pp. 62-69. doi: 10.4236/ojmm.2013.31010.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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