Periphyton Biomass Response to Phosphorus Additions in an Aquatic Ecosystem Dominated by Submersed Plants


An experiment was conducted to investigate the response of periphyton biomass to addition of phosphorus (P) in an aquatic ecosystem dominated by submersed plants. Aquatic ecosystems dominated by Hydrilla verticillata (L.f.) Royle and Vallisneria natans (Lour.) Hara were constructed in mesocosm aquaria. Mesocosms were dosed weekly with different P loads (0 μg/L/Week and 100 μg/L/Week) for 17 weeks. Total P (TP), total soluble P (TSP), and soluble reactive P (SRP) concentrations in the waters of mesocosms added with P were significantly higher as opposed to the unenriched control mesocosms. The biomass of the attached periphyton and the cover of floating periphyton remained abundant in P-unenriched control mesocosms throughout the test period with a TP, TSP, and SRP concentration ranging of 0.021 - 0.049 mg/L, 0.004 - 0.024 mg/L, and 0.003 - 0.018 mg/L, respectively. P addition caused the decline of attached periphyton biomass to a low level and loss of floating periphyton. Results indicate that P enrichment in an aquatic ecosystem dominated by submersed plants could reduce attached periphyton biomass and eliminate floating periphyton. The research would be useful to maintain periphyton by reducing excessive P in aquatic ecosystem dominated by submersed plants.

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X. Mei and X. Zhang, "Periphyton Biomass Response to Phosphorus Additions in an Aquatic Ecosystem Dominated by Submersed Plants," Journal of Environmental Protection, Vol. 4 No. 1, 2013, pp. 83-90. doi: 10.4236/jep.2013.41009.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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