On Efficient Monitoring of Process Dispersion using Interquartile Range


The presence of dispersion/variability in any process is understood and its careful monitoring may furnish the performance of any process. The interquartile range (IQR) is one of the dispersion measures based on lower and upper quartiles. For efficient monitoring of process dispersion, we have proposed auxiliary information based Shewhart-type IQR control charts (namely IQRr and IQRp charts) based on ratio and product estimators of lower and upper quartiles under bivariate normally distributed process. We have developed the control structures of proposed charts and compared their performances with the usual IQR chart in terms of detection ability of shift in process dispersion. For the said purpose power curves are constructed to demonstrate the performance of the three IQR charts under discussion in this article. We have also provided an illustrative example to justify theory and finally closed with concluding remarks.

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Ahmad, S. , Lin, Z. , Abbasi, S. and Riaz, M. (2012) On Efficient Monitoring of Process Dispersion using Interquartile Range. Open Journal of Applied Sciences, 2, 39-43. doi: 10.4236/ojapps.2012.24B010.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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