PUB16 gene expression under abiotic stress and their putative role as an ARM repeat protein in Arabidopsis thaliana self-pollination pathway


The armadillo repeat super-family proteins (ARM repeat super-family proteins) possess tandem armadillo repeats and have been postulated to play different roles in plant development, morphogenesis, defense, cell death, and signal transduction through hormone signalling. In The Arabidopsis Information Resource (TAIR), we found 113 loci closely related to ARM repeat family proteins. This extensive group of proteins was studied in flowers tissues by western blot using antibodies directed against the most conserved region of the ARM repeat family proteins. The amino acid residues sequences from TAIR were aligned and the resulting phylogenetic tree allows us to inferring their evolutionary relationships. The main finding was the high similarity between the gene product of PUB16 (At5g01830, A. thaliana) and ARC1 (Brassica napus). In order to search a possible role for PUB16 we carried out stress bioassays using hormonal and saline approaches. Gene expression using RT-PCR showed that some of the ARM repeat super-family proteins are expressed both under salt or hormonal stress conditions. Particularly these studies allowed to detect and semi-quantify PUB16 gene expression in normal or stress growth conditions. In this approach it was revealed that, only in presence of GA, the expression of mRNA-PUB16 became evident. To morphologically verify the increasing number of germinated pollen grain in gibberellins treated flowers, we used epi-fluorescence microscopy assay. These results suggest that PUB16 may participate in GA signaling pathway favoring self-pollination.

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Acosta, M. , Ahumada, M. , Lassaga, S. and Casco, V. (2012) PUB16 gene expression under abiotic stress and their putative role as an ARM repeat protein in Arabidopsis thaliana self-pollination pathway. Advances in Bioscience and Biotechnology, 3, 609-619. doi: 10.4236/abb.2012.35079.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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