A Pastiche of Outcomes for a Teacher-Student Pair: Experiences within a Reading Cluster Group


The purpose of this study was to understand the lived experiences of two individuals involved in Project CLUE (Clustering Learners Unlocks Equity), a university-school collaboration. One former third grade teacher (T) and one of her former students (S) participated in this study. A phenomenological case study design was used. T and S were interviewed using a semi-structured interview protocol. The research question that drove the present study was: What are the impacts of a gifted reading curriculum on students within a gifted cluster inside a regular classroom? Three salient themes from an analysis of the interview transcripts emerged. They were: 1) social and affective outcomes, 2) bidirectional motivation for deep learning and exploration, and 3) obstacles to implementation.

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Miller, A. , Latz, A. , Jenkins, S. & Adams, C. (2012). A Pastiche of Outcomes for a Teacher-Student Pair: Experiences within a Reading Cluster Group. Creative Education, 3, 61-66. doi: 10.4236/ce.2012.31010.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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