International Students’ Satisfaction with the Services of Agriculture Bank of China


Service satisfaction improvement of customers is the present way most industries conduct every trade. Banks are no exception from this revolution. Customers’ preference has become a necessary module of business strategy in financial institutions. This research is related to international students’ satisfaction with the services of Agriculture Bank of China. The study used the quantitative method and the unit was the international students who are customers of Agriculture Bank of China. The primary data was derived from a well-structured questionnaire that was administered through QuestionPro online software and the secondary data came from the bank website, journals and existing literature. STATA statistical tool was used in the data analysis, interpretation, tabulation and graphical representation of the study. It preserves a lot of time as commands were type instead of searching for it from the menu tab. Among the factors, the assurance, responsiveness, reliability, etc. were investigated. From the result, Agriculture Bank of China provides satisfactory services to the international students’ customers. However, the study recommended more innovative ways of curbing the language barrier, the long channel of opening an account and the like. Despite challenges faced by the researcher, the study was carried out successfully.

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Brenya, R. and Cui, W. (2018) International Students’ Satisfaction with the Services of Agriculture Bank of China. Chinese Studies, 7, 230-241. doi: 10.4236/chnstd.2018.73020.

1. Introduction

Problem Statement

The products and services of Agriculture Bank of China have been much appreciated by its locality. As stated from the camp of (Anderson & Fornell, 2000), customer’s conclusion goes a long way to have a positive or negative impact on the institution as a whole. Considering the nature of international students living in China and the difficulties such as language barrier, consistent visa regulatory policies and the like they face when transacting businesses with Agriculture Bank of China. It is for these reasons that an academic study is needed to check how the service quality of ABC Bank will improve the level of satisfaction of International students’ satisfaction. Kottler, (2000), postulated that satisfaction is a person’s displeasure resulting from comparing the product’s perceived outcome to his or her expectations.

Research Objective;

General objective

To determine the efficiency and effectiveness of ABC’s products and services quality on international customer satisfaction.

Specific objectives

・ To determine the level of products and service quality in Agriculture Bank of China

・ To determine the level of customer satisfaction in Agriculture Bank of China.

・ To determine the relationship between service quality and customers’ satisfaction development.

2. Literature Review

2.1. The Concept of Customer Satisfaction

In a viable financial institution where businesses compete for customers, customer satisfaction is seen as a key differentiator (Rubogora, 2017) and increasingly become a key commodity in decision making (Fornell, Rust, & Dekimpe, 2010; Hui, Wan, & Ho, 2007; Hume & Mort, 2008). Institutions have to bring forth innovative ideas to beat competitions as well as increasing the needs of customers (Cavusgil et al., 2003). The degree to which the customer is happy depends on the numerous services they received. Prior studies suggest that customer involvement seems to be closely related to satisfaction, (Dellande, Gilly, & Graham, 2004; Grissemann & Stokburger-Sauer, 2012) and/or influences customers’ perceptions of a service experience (Edvardsson, 2005). According to (Franke, Keinz, & Steger, 2009), customers with high product connection, participate more in a continuity of that particular products. Therefore, customer satisfaction is the probable element which banks use to gain a tactical advantage over other financial institutions. Customer satisfaction is the groundwork for any institute to keep its existing customers (Khan, 2012). Banks make policies to maintain their old customers because the cost involves in getting new ones are high. Besides loyal customers are reluctant to risk their relationship with an institution, which is a reason for customers not complain; (Mittal, Huppertz, & Khare, 2008). Customers react differently to what they anticipate and what they receive, regarding the fulfillment of needs, goals and/or desires from the environment (Deci et al., 2001). Existing literature shows that customers share their experience with their colleagues and spread the information quickly when they have had a bad experience with a financial institution (Nimako & Mensah, 2014). Banks are aware of the essence in improving both products and services of customers which leads to satisfaction. As the service qualities exceed customer’s prior expectations, it’s easily influence them, (Bus et al., 2018). According to (Hansemark & Albinson, 2004), “what customers expect from their service providers is their satisfaction; as services cannot be separated from its provider, (Rubogora, 2017) as a result, banks that fail to build the strong bond with it customers loose on customer loyalty (McEwen, 2005). The going concern of a bank has small worth without the existence of the customer. International students in the People’s Republic of China have a wide range of banks selecting choice. So the bank main duty is not to win customers but to retain them through effective customer service.

2.2. Service Quality and Satisfaction Development

2.3. Level of Customer Satisfaction

Ibojo et al., (2013) asserted that, for an institute to persistently keep its customers in this competitive industry, there is the need for a tactical approach to satisfying the needs of the customers. One of the aims of the research is to determine the level of customer satisfaction with the service of Agriculture Bank of China. The satisfaction was measured using five Likert scaled subjects ranging between one and five; such as 1 = highly satisfied, 2 = Somewhat Satisfied, 3 = Neutral, 4 = somewhat dissatisfied and 5 = highly dissatisfied. Evidence from Table 2 indicates we can conclude that the customer satisfied is above average which is very good for the business because it tells us where the customer loyalty rest. And possibly their recommendations the bank activities to other people.

3. Research Design and Research Methodology

3.1. Research Design

In every study, there is the blueprint which specifies the structure of the research design. Research design entails the qualitative and quantitative research. According to (Malhotra & Birks, 2006), qualitative research is usually unstructured, aspire for discovery and it also deals with fine art such as narratives, descriptions, pictures and the like whiles quantitative research emanate through well layout questionnaires and interviews. Quantitative data quantify unprocessed information to be measured through statistical means and data is obtained from a target population. The aim of the study is to use quantitative research. The study used international student leaving in Nanjing City who are customers of ABC bank. The total sample of four hundred and one (401) of the total population of Agriculture bank of China international customers and the questionnaires were randomly given to international students who transact business with the bank.

3.2. Research Methodology

Probability sampling method was used in the research where primary and secondary data was also used in the analysis of the study. The primary source from the well-structured questionnaires administered to the international students’ and the secondary data obtained from the internet, unpublished articles, journal, staff from the Pancheng Branch and the like. The questionnaire was the main source of data of which it was collected through an application called QuestionPro which made easy in answering the questions of the researcher. The demographic data such as the age, gender and the like, customer satisfaction of products and service of the bank such as employee’s reliability, quick response to customer’s plight was captured in the questionnaire. A closed-end Likert scale-typed questionnaire was administered making it easy for the respondent to select answers such as Strongly agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree and Strongly disagree and other aspects such as Highly satisfied, Somewhat satisfied, Neutral, Somewhat Dissatisfied and Highly dissatisfied. The study used STATA analytical tool in the presentation and interpretation of data. According to (Shamoo & Resnik, 2003), various analytical procedures endow with ways of deducing information from data and separating the irrelevant materials. STATA enables it to be seen clearly in a graphical form. STATA preserves a lot of time trying to look for a command from the menu if you can type it. Command type can also be saved in the do-file for future use.

4. Discussion and Evaluation

4.1. Demographic Data

4.1.1. Gender

Out of 401 students that answered the questionnaires, a majority of 245 (61.1%) respondents are male and the remaining 156 respondents representing 38.9% are female. The information is from Figure 1 below;

Figure 1. Gender respondents. Source: Field survey 2017.

4.1.2. Age

The research had a youthful age representation since is purposely for students and there is an age limit as you climb the educational ladder. 54.11% of the respondents are in the age category of 18 and 25 years. 34.66% of total respondents fall under 26 to 33 years, 41 respondents representing 10.22% are between 34 and 40 years and only 1% represent 41 years and above. The information is from Figure 2.

4.1.3. Marital Status

Majority of the respondents were single and it carried 82.79% out of 401 respondents, 64 responded married representing 15.96% and 1.25% are under divorce/widow. The information is from Figure 3.

4.1.4. Universities Attended

Information from Table 1 indicates 4.74% (19) of the students who responded to the questionnaires were from Nanjing Medical University (NMU), from the camp of Nanjing Pharmaceutical University we had 3 students indicating 0.75%, 5.74% (23) of the responses also came from Nanjing University of Science and Technology (NJUST). Most of the respondents came from Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology with a greater number of 230 students representing 57.36% of the total population. Southeast University students also contributed with 17 respondents showing 4.24%. The opportunity was given to all other universities to participate in the collection of data and this yielded 109 responses from other universities students from Nanjing Technology University, Nanjing Medical University and the like indicating 27.18% of the total respondent. The information is from Table 1.

4.2. Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction

4.2.1. Assurance

The responses below indicate that employees are very well trained and customers feel safe in doing business with the bank. 17.71% (71) strongly agree with the statement, whereas 211 respondent representing 52.62% agree with the statement. Some of the respondents feel undecided, 27.43% (110) respondent were neutral. On the other hand, 7 respondent disagree and 2 strongly disagree with employees are much trained and you feel safe doing business with the bank; and this indicates 1.75% and 0.5% respectively. Customers feel confidence in working with the bank.

4.2.2. Responsiveness

As depicted in Table 2, 57 (14.21%) respondents strongly agree with the facts that, ABC bank inform its customers as to when banking service begins and quick services to customers. 215 response representing 53.62% agree with the statement followed by 25.94% (104) who have no stands in the matter (neutral). 21 (5.24%) disagree and only 1% (4), strongly disagree with the matter. Customers feel positive from the employees.

Table 1. University respondents.

Source: Field survey 2017.

Table 2. Service quality and customer satisfaction rating.

Source: Field survey 2017.

Figure 2. Age range respondents. Source: Field survey 2017.

Figure 3. Marital status respondents. Source: Field survey 2017.

4.2.3. Reliability

54 count from the respondents indicating 13.47% strongly agree with the statement, the bank delivering error-free service on time and reliable in handling customers’ service problems. 46.88% (188) from the table below-representing majority of the respondents Agree to the below statement. This followed by 137 (34.16%) respondents who either think the bank delivery is error-free or made up of errors. However, 20 respondents disagree with the statement as well as 2 respondents strongly disagree with the statement representing 4.99% and 0.5% respectively.

4.2.4. Empathy

With reference to Table 2, 19.7% (79), of customers strongly agree with the fact that bank employee’s deal with customers’ with care and understanding at a good banking hour. 210 respondents indicating 52.37% Agree with the statement, 99 (24.69%) had the neutral ground whiles 11 respondents disagree with 2.74% and 2 respondents showing 0.5% strongly agree with the statement.

4.2.5. Materials

On the assessment of how the employees dress neat, appear professional and the ability of the bank to use modern equipment, 132 (32.92%) Strongly agree, 199 (49.63%) of the responses came from customers who Agree with the statement. 63 respondents indicating 15.71% cannot decide whether they are for or against the motion. On the other hand, 6 (1.5%) customers disagree and 1 respondent strongly disagree and it represents 0.25 of the total percentage.

4.2.6. Service

Every customer needs speedy delivery and a quick response to his or her problems and from the recorded figures 76 respondents representing 18.95% strongly agree with the statement; the bank instance customer delivery and quick response to customers complain, 186 (46.38%) agree with the statement, 114 respondents indicating 28.43% are on the neutral grounds whiles 21 responded Disagreement and 4 strongly disagreement indicating 5.24% and 1% respectively.

4.2.7. Product

From the table or figure or diagram provided below, there is 17.71% (71) of customers who strongly agree with the fact that; the bank products are designed to suit customer choice and can be used easily. Indeed the figures go to show that 194 respondent (customers) showing 48.38% Agree with the statement and 29.68% (119) had the neutral decision. However, 9 (2.24%) customers strongly disagree and 8 (2%) disagrees.

5. Conclusion and Recommendation

5.1. Conclusion

The relevant of service delivery increases satisfaction, retains customers and excels in sales of bank products and services. Services such as the customer ability to take money from any bank branch in China, error-free service delivery, quick response to customer’s plight, electronic SMS alert which discloses the debit and/or credit balances of the customer and the like. The study on international students of ABC Bank was guided by the following objectives: To determine the level of products and service quality, the level of customer satisfaction and the relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction development. The data were analyzed using STATA’s descriptive statistics. The STATA application used assessed the satisfaction in the area of assurance, responsiveness, reliability, empathy, materiality, services, and products. This proved the performance of the Agricultural Bank of China services to international students has been positive and triumphant. The bank’s ability to identify customer’s needs and providing them was crucial to the development of customer relations that at the end promote marketing of their products (Latif, 2017). From the customers, the bank shows the good response to their plight and provides them with good and satisfactory services.

5.2. Recommendations

The suggestions are based on the study’s objectives and will increase customer’s satisfaction and services if followed by Agricultural Bank of China as well as Chinese banking industry. Below are the highlighted recommendations; Firstly, Based on the researcher’s personal observation, the bank needs more trained staff who are fluent in the English language to communicate with the international customers. Truly, the bank’s staff inability to express themselves in English absolutely hurt the feelings of foreign customer’s satisfaction and their appreciation towards service quality. Secondly, the management of Agriculture Bank of China should conduct regular marketing research studies on their own customers to determine their demographic data and other related profiles of customers. This will enable the bank to make informed decisions about international customer’s needs. Also, Agriculture Bank of China management should be frequently be updated with the new products and services being demanded by foreigners in the country. It helps strengthen social interaction, as customers will be more motivated to tell about products and services experience they feel satisfied them (Lam & So, 2013). Base on the fact that, the research was focused only the international students studying in the People’s Republic of China, the same study should be replicated by the using the Chinese citizens us the respondents to know the complete satisfactory level of customers.


This research has come to the realization through the unreserved support of International students in Nanjing, China.

Declaration Interest Statement

I, Robert Brenya, wish to declare that this research paper was derive from final year thesis and has never been submitted in any journal for the purpose of publication and that; the paper is presented with the consent of my co-author. Works by other author, which served as a source of information, have been duly acknowledged. There is NO COMPETING INTERESTS.


This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.

List of Abbreviation

ABC: Agriculture Bank of China

NUIST: Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology.

PRC: People’s Republic of China

NMU: Nanjing Medical University

NPU: Nanjing Pharmaceutical University

NJUST: Nanjing University of Science and Technology

SEU: Southeast University

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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