Staff Perception towards Leadership in Transforming Wolaita Sodo University: Qualitative Inquiry


In the stir of the competitive era of education today, higher education institutions (HEIs) attempt to advance themselves in academic programs, researches and innovations. To this end, they need to transform to realize such aspiration. This study was designed to look at staff perception toward leadership in transforming Wolaita Sodo University. Qualitative research design and case study method are used under the study. Part of the data was collected from a sample of 15 participants. The sample colleges and administration divisions, college deans, department heads, academic and supportive staff were selected through purposive sampling. The tools used to gather relevant data were interview, FGD, and relevant document analysis. Findings of the study revealed that attempt to transform the skill and competence of academic and supportive staff and students’ learning are found to be insignificant; the top academic leaders focus on routine and administrative issues at the expense of emphasis on strategic matters, and changing the prevailed institutional culture. Moreover, there is lack of empowerment of the middle and first line managers who are highly engaged in operationalzing transformation process. Hence, change at Wolaita Sodo University lacks transformational dimension and the change may not make its intended goals. The study recommended that the transformation should primarily focus on developing people through empowering them and giving them responsibilities. The transformational leaders should focus on strategic issues instead of wasting time in changing and re-changing structures. The government needs to avail adequate budget and personnel to help the transformation. The University should also diversify its sources of income instead of relying on government subsidy, and should be autonomous to run its own affairs without direction or influence from any level of government.

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Lerra, M. (2014) Staff Perception towards Leadership in Transforming Wolaita Sodo University: Qualitative Inquiry. Open Access Library Journal, 1, 1-19. doi: 10.4236/oalib.1100907.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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