Towards Optimal Transmission Switching in Day-Ahead Unit Commitment


Co-optimizing transmission topology with generation dispatch, and leveraging grid controllability could be a viable way to improve economic efficiency of system operations in control centers. In particular, day-ahead unit commitment is a typical business process that electric utilities deploy to ensure enough generation capacity is committed day-ahead to meet the load for the next day. In a market environment, day-ahead reliability unit commitment (DA-RUC) performs a simultaneous solution of minimizing the cost of commitment for resources to meet forecasted load, net scheduled interchange and operating reserve requirements using security constrained unit commitment (SCUC). The commitment may then be further checked by running security constrained economic dispatch (SCED) to verify that the commitment solution can be feasibly dispatched subject to system constraints and activated transmission constraints for each hour identified in the study period. This paper applies Optimal Transmission Switching (OTS) in DA-RUC using some heuristic pre-screening techniques to reduce the dimension of the OTS problem. Various pre-screening methods of candidate transmission lines for switching are proposed and compared. Simulation results will be presented to demonstrate generation dispatch combined with OTS in each hour could reduce congestion cost and significantly lower generation cost.

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Cheung, K. and Wu, J. (2015) Towards Optimal Transmission Switching in Day-Ahead Unit Commitment. Journal of Power and Energy Engineering, 3, 97-105. doi: 10.4236/jpee.2015.34015.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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