On q-Deformed Calculus in Quantum Geometry


The relation between noncommutative (or quantum) geometry and themathematics of spacesis in many ways similar to the relation between quantum physicsand classical physics. One moves from the commutative algebra of functions on a space (or a commutative algebra of classical observable in classical physics) to a noncommutative algebra representing a noncommutative space (or a noncommutative algebra of quantum observables in quantum physics). The object of this paper is to study the basic rules governing q-calculus as compared with the classical Newton-Leibnitz calculus.

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Maliki, O. and Ugwu, E. (2014) On q-Deformed Calculus in Quantum Geometry. Applied Mathematics, 5, 1586-1593. doi: 10.4236/am.2014.510151.

1. Introduction

There exists an intimate relationship between classical geometry and physics, and to appreciate this we will consider the Einstein field equations (EFE) of special relativity written as:


where is the Einstein tensor, is the Ricci tensor. is the energy-momentum tensor.

For the moment we are only interested in three basic properties of the above equation.

1) The equation (EFE) is a tensor equation. This is necessarily so, since the principle of invariance under coordinate transformations must hold, in other words the equations of physics must look the same in any frame of reference.

2) We can interpret equation (EFE) more simply as

i.e. it is the presence of matter in space that distorts the neighbouring geometry. Most equations of mathematical physics can be interpreted similarly.

3) The solution to equation (EFE) is a geometrical object, namely a line element given by

where is the metric tensor to be solved for in (EFE).

1.1. Quantum Geometry

Every geometry is associated with some kind of space. Quantum (or noncommutative) geometry [1] [2] deals with quantum spaces, including the classical concept of space as a very special case. In classical geometry spaces are always regarded as collections of points equipped with the appropriate additional structure (as for example a topological structure given by the collection of open sets, or a smooth structure given by the atlas). In contrast to classical geometry, quantum spaces are not interpretable in this way. In general, quantum spaces have no points at all! They exhibit non-trivial quantum fluctuations’ of geometry at all scales.

In generalizing classical geometry to the non-commutative level, there are two important conceptual steps:

1) Translation of geometry into a commutative algebra format;

2) Non-commutative generalizations.

1.2. Reformulating Basic Geometrical Concepts

It turns out that the geometrical structure on any given topological space X is always completely expressible in the language of some associated *-algebra [3] [4] .


Let X be a compact topological space, and let be the *-algebra of continuous complex-valued functions on X. Every element naturally gives rise to a linear functional defined by

This map is multiplicative in the sense that

Furthermore, is Hermitian in the sense that it is also non-zero, i.e. is a character on A. Conversely, consider an arbitrary character, then it can be shown that there exists a unique point such that. In other words, we have a natural bijection between points of X and characters of A. It is important to note that this characterization of points also remains valid at the smooth level, in which X could be a compact smooth manifold and the associated *-algebra consists of smooth functions on X.

1.3. The Gelfand-Naimark Theorem

The algebra of complex-valued functions on a compact topological space X, equipped with the maximum norm

is a commutative C*-algebra [2] . The classical theorem of Gelfand and Naimark characterizes the algebras of the form, as commutative unital C*-algebras. This means that for every commutative unital C*-algebra A there exists (up to homeomerphisms) a unique compact topological space X such that.

As we have earlier observed, the points of the space X are recovered as characters of the associated algebra A. In terms of this identification, the topology on X coincides with the weak*-topology, induced from the dual space, consisting of continuous linear functionals on A. It turns out that homomorphisms between C*-algebras are automatically continuous, in particular characters are continuous linear functionals.

2. The Quantum Plane

A simple example of quantum geometry is the quantum plane (Figure 1). Usually, a plane is described by two coordinate functions x, y. Naturally, the functions xy and yx are the same since it does not matter whether you measure x first and then y or y first and then x. This is precisely what is lost in the quantum world.

In the quantum plane we replace the property by where q is some parameter. We no longer have points, however we can continue to work algebraically with x and y.

Define, the commutator bracket. Hence can be rewritten as

The commutative case is obtained when.

2.1. q-Deformed Calculus

It is interesting to know that one can really do geometry in this setting, where coordinates do not commute. This is the remarkable discovery in recent times. For example, we can follow the approach of Newton-Leibnitz defining differentiation by

But when and in particular we get instead

Thus for example the derivative of the function in this non-commutative setting would be

We observe here that when the derivative of for the commutative case is obtained, i.e..

2.2. Basic Notions of q-Calculus

The mathematical study of noncommutative geometry is intimately related to the so-called q-calculus (qnumbers, q-factorials, q-differentials and integrals, basic q-hypergeometric functions, and q-orthogonal polynomials). Here we give a brief introduction to q-numbers and q-factorials which will be required in the subsequent sections.

2.2.1. q-Numbers and q-Factorials

For any nonzero complex number q, the q-number, is defined by



Figure 1. The quantum plane (xy ≠ yx). 

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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