Research on the Method of Calculating Node Injected Reactive Power Based on L Indicator


With the power grid load increasing, the problem of grid voltage stability is increasingly prominent, and the possibility of voltage instability is also growing. In order to improve the voltage stability, this paper analyzed how the voltage stability was influenced by different reactive power injection based on the simplified L-indicator of on-line voltage stability monitoring. According to the
basic differential property of the simplified L-indicator, a general and normative analytical algorithm about reactive power optimization was deduced. The analytical algorithm can calculate the load node injected reactive power, and then the network can run in the optimal steady state on the basis of the calculation results. According to the simulation results of IEEE-14, IEEE-30, IEEE-57 and IEEE-118, the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed algorithm to improve voltage stability and reduce the risk of grid collapse were verified.

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Gong, X. , Zhang, B. , Kong, B. , Zhang, A. , Li, H. and Fang, W. (2014) Research on the Method of Calculating Node Injected Reactive Power Based on L Indicator. Journal of Power and Energy Engineering, 2, 361-367. doi: 10.4236/jpee.2014.24048.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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