The Relationship between Vocational Personalities and Character Strengths in Adults


The relationship between vocational personalities and character strengths, and the contribution of both to life satisfaction were tested in an online sample of 302 Israeli adults. Hierarchical regressions indicated that love of learning explained 9.8% of the investigative personality, creativity and appreciation of beauty explained 19.6% of the artistic personality, zest and spirituality explained 14% of the social personality, and creativity explained 7.9% of enterprising personality. A bootstrapping procedure revealed that hope and gratitude fully mediated the association of social personality with life satisfaction. The theoretical and practical implications of the study findings for career counseling and development are discussed.

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Littman-Ovadia, H. , Potok, Y. & Ruch, W. (2013). The Relationship between Vocational Personalities and Character Strengths in Adults. Psychology, 4, 985-993. doi: 10.4236/psych.2013.412142.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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