Evaluation of Geometric Quality of Weld Beads in the Joining of Carbon Steel Pipelines with Single Pass


This work presents the uncertainty evaluation associated with the measurement of linear parameters that define the weld geometry, specifically the width, using a profile projector, in order to meet the current technical standards. The following steps were proposed and implemented: identification of linear parameters that define the weld geometry; identification and study of variables that affect the measurement of these parameters; the adoption of the mathematical model to estimate the uncertainty; planning and execution of experiments for data collection, calculation of uncertainty and, finally, analysis and discussion of the results. Through the results analysis it was concluded that the weld in overhead position produces the lowest front bead width values and the vertical weld produces the largest width values. The expanded uncertainty values were between 0.016 mm and 0.075 mm for all measurements, and the overhead position showed, on average, the highest values.

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Leal, J. , Costa, T. and Arencibia, R. (2013) Evaluation of Geometric Quality of Weld Beads in the Joining of Carbon Steel Pipelines with Single Pass. Journal of Power and Energy Engineering, 1, 1-5. doi: 10.4236/jpee.2013.17001.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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