Assessment of Polyamines and Trehalose in Wheat Microspores Culture for Embryogenesis and Green Regenerated Plants


Most aspects of microspore culture protocol have the capacity to cause stress to microspores, hence, less stressful treatments might be required to avoid deleterious effects. In stressed plants, polyamines and trehalose can act as compatible solutes or osmoprotectants by stabilizing proteins and biological membranes. To improve green plant regeneration in wheat microspore culture, this study assessed the effects of polyamines (putrecine, spermidine, spermine) and trehalose on androgenic response namely embryogenesis, green plant regeneration and ploidy of green plants regenerated in three spring wheat genotypes. Microspores of the genotypes produced significant numbers of embryos and green plants among polyamine treatments but trehalose had no effect (P ≤ 0.05). Polyamine treatments for 30 min generally produced more green plants per 100 microspores than the 60 min treatments in all three genotypes. At least three out of twelve polyamine treatments in each genotype improved the production of double haploid plants and seed setting in regenerants. Wheat genotype, concentration and duration of polyamine treatment had significant impact on embryogenesis and regeneration of green plants in this study. The study also showed that polyamines could be used to accelerate cultivar development in wheat breeding.

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A. Redha and P. Suleman, "Assessment of Polyamines and Trehalose in Wheat Microspores Culture for Embryogenesis and Green Regenerated Plants," American Journal of Plant Sciences, Vol. 4 No. 11, 2013, pp. 2218-2226. doi: 10.4236/ajps.2013.411275.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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