Causes of Victims of Campus Bullying Behaviors and Study on Solutions


Campus bullying behavior is increasingly attracting people’s attention in recent years. The main objective is to discuss the causes of victims of campus bullying behaviors, to analyze their needs and correlation, and to offer suggestions on preventive strategies for victims. The research uses in-depth interview of the qualitative research methods, and directs the interview by a semi-structured interview outline from 5 participants. The research concludes the following main findings: Relevant factors influencing the students being bullied in the public junior high school, and the styles of bullying behavior are numerous, including verbal and physical bullying. Preliminarily, bullying behaviors mainly occurred after class, and the usual site was in the classroom.

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Chiu, S. (2013) Causes of Victims of Campus Bullying Behaviors and Study on Solutions. Open Journal of Social Sciences, 1, 13-22. doi: 10.4236/jss.2013.12003.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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