Perspectives on Policy/Practice (Dis)Connection—Special Educators Turned Teacher Educators’ Points of View


Educational policy and practice have long been disconnected. This paper explores the experiences of two former teachers turned teacher educators as they examine unintended consequences of policy reform. This paper positions No Child Left Behind’s and Individuals with Disabilities Education Act’s “Highly Qualified Teachers,” “Annual Yearly Progress,” and the issues of “evidence-based practices” alongside the authors’ personal school-based examples to demonstrate (dis)connections between policy, schools, and classrooms. The analysis provides a critique of these policies to demonstrate where teacher educators can take an active role in helping future teachers understand implications of these policies.

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Young, K. & Curcic, S. (2013). Perspectives on Policy/Practice (Dis)Connection—Special Educators Turned Teacher Educators’ Points of View. Creative Education, 4, 452-460. doi: 10.4236/ce.2013.47065.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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