Domestic Violence, Alcohol Consumption and Depression in Criminal Population


The objective of this research was to determine the differences in levels of domestic violence, alcohol and depression by type of crime committed on 259 men and 200 women inmates of the Centre for Social Rehabilitation in Mexico. To assess alcohol consumption indicators were adapted from the National Addiction Survey, the CES-D was used to measure depressive symptoms and in terms of domestic violence, we designed a 16-reactive scale evaluating: verbal aggression, physical aggression, humiliation and respect. The results showed significant differences not by gender but by type of crime committed, specifically on domestic violence, in which was found that women had higher scores than men. Furthermore, the analysis by type of crime committed found a higher number of subjects with severe consumption that health damages and homicides. Regarding depressive symptoms, the results showed that women had higher scores than men; however, these differences were not significant. In conclusion, data indicate relevant differences by gender in terms of domestic violence, depressive symptoms and substance use, but not so, on the type of crime by substance consumption, depression or family violence.

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Lanz, P. & Díaz, M. (2013). Domestic Violence, Alcohol Consumption and Depression in Criminal Population. Psychology, 4, 153-158. doi: 10.4236/psych.2013.43022.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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