Marketing Process Reengineering within a Romanian Software Company Focused on the Implementation of a Freelancing Strategy


This paper examines several possibilities regarding the implementation of the marketing process reengineering within a Romanian software company. Specifically, it argues that freelancing implementation in the Competitors Tracking area leads to a better performance of the overall marketing activity, by means of a mathematical model which reveals four situations corresponding to the research hypotheses. According to the variables related to the mathematical model, the marketing tasks are divided in different areas and we highlighted the opportunity to develop a new area—Competitor Tracking through a marketing process reengineering. The results show that reengineering focuses on redesigning the process as a whole in order to achieve the greatest possible benefits to the organization. The driving forces associated to the reengineering will lead improvements by fundamentally rethinking how the Competitor Tracking positions should be fulfilled—through permanent workers or freelancers. The results of our analysis provides a decision-making support for the marketing manager of the software company, leading to a better positioning through Competitive Intelligence techniques, which build and leverage its competitive advantages.

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A. Micu, A. Capatina and A. Micu, "Marketing Process Reengineering within a Romanian Software Company Focused on the Implementation of a Freelancing Strategy," iBusiness, Vol. 4 No. 4, 2012, pp. 341-349. doi: 10.4236/ib.2012.44043.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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