Achieving the Objectives of Arts and Cultural Education in Slovenian Pre-Service Teacher Training


The paper presents the results of research involving students from across Slovenia, exploring opinions on whether the objectives of arts and cultural education in their higher education have been met so far and their attitude towards education and the arts. The results of the research show that the general aims of arts and cultural education were more frequently incorporated in the study process than the aims relating to developing an attitude towards cultural heritage. Students from various study programs agree in particular on the need for team planning of the learning process, and on the importance of art education in the development of the individual’s creative potential. However, they agree less on measures aimed at improving the quality of art education and viewpoints relating to the content of future preschool and school teacher higher education. The results relating to the research aims also display statistically significant differences between study programs. Arts and cultural education in the education system was given higher importance by students of social sciences, preschool education and class teaching than by students of natural sciences.

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Denac, O. & Čagran, B. (2012). Achieving the Objectives of Arts and Cultural Education in Slovenian Pre-Service Teacher Training. Creative Education, 3, 1419-1425. doi: 10.4236/ce.2012.38207.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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