Analysis of Biases Influencing Successful Rover Positioning with GNSS-Network RTK


Using the Master-Auxiliary concept, described in Euler et al. (2001), Euler and Zebhauser (2003) investigated the feasibility and benefits of standardized network corrections for rover applications. The analysis, focused primarily in the measurement domain, demonstrated that double difference phase errors could be significantly reduced using standardized network corrections. Extended research investigated the potential of standardized network RTK messages for rover applications in the position domain (Euler et al, 2004-I). The results of baseline processing demonstrated effective, reliable and homogeneous ambiguity resolution performance for long baselines (>50km) and short observation periods (>45 sec). In general horizontal and vertical position accuracy also improved with the use of network corrections. This paper concentrates on the impact of wrongly determined integers within the reference station network on RTK performance. A theoretical study using an idealized network of reference stations is complemented by an empirical analysis of adding incorrect L1 and L2 ambiguities to the observations of a real network. In addition, the benefits of using network RTK corrections for a small sized network in Asia during a period of high ionospheric activity is also demonstrated.

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H. Euler, S. Seeger and F. Takac, "Analysis of Biases Influencing Successful Rover Positioning with GNSS-Network RTK," Positioning, Vol. 1 No. 8, 2004, pp. -.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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