A Normative Model for Regional University Network Collaboration in Education


Increasing demand for more specialized courses and programme increases the need for universities to differentiate their educational offer and portfolio. Increasing the course portfolio combined with small student populations at the same time ensuring high quality is a difficult challenge for most universities given their budget limitation and the access they have to educators in the specialized disciplines within their own organization. Pooling, coordination and utilization of resources through the creation of network creation and university collaborations is one option for coping with this challenge. This paper develops a normative model for intraregional university network collaboration in education aiming at preparing students for work in a particular industry. The paper deals with network organization, principles of operation, course structure, course delivery, and supporting activities.

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Jensen, A. & Bergqvist, R. (2012). A Normative Model for Regional University Network Collaboration in Education. Creative Education, 3, 1034-1042. doi: 10.4236/ce.2012.326156.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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