Contribution to the Design of a Pottery Kiln Using as Fuel a Mixture of Cellulosic and Plastic Materials: Influence of the Proportion of Plastic on the Emissions of NO, CO2, O2


This paper concerns the study of the influence of the proportion of plastic from polyethylene, on the yields of gas emissions during the combustion of the mixture of “millet stalks and polyethylene plastic bags”, in a prototype of kiln of potters. During these investigations, we looked at the rate of residual oxygen (O2) and emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrogen monoxide (NO), as a function of primary air flow (Q1) and secondary airflow (Q2). The potter’s kilns are considered those fueled by natural air flow. The primary air flows ranging from 45 to 85 Nm3?h 1 and secondary air flows from 20 to 60 Nm3?h 1. To conduct this numerical study, the model used is “reactor” based on the code CHEMKIN II. The modeled area is composed into a multitude of perfectly stirred reactors (PSR) and the kinetic model has 893 species and 113 reversible chemical reactions. The results show that in our test conditions, the increasing of the rate of plastic in the mixture produces a decrease of the residual oxygen content, due to higher oxygen consumption regardless of the airflow. The CO2 emissions are an increasing function of the rate of plastic (polyethylene) in the fuel mixture. Finally, NO emissions are increasing functions of the mass of plastic for a proportions less than or equal to 20%, and are essentially controlled by the temperature of the reactional medium.

Share and Cite:

S. Ouiminga, T. Rogaume, A. Dissa, S. Ouoba, T. Daho and J. Koulidiati, "Contribution to the Design of a Pottery Kiln Using as Fuel a Mixture of Cellulosic and Plastic Materials: Influence of the Proportion of Plastic on the Emissions of NO, CO2, O2," Journal of Analytical Sciences, Methods and Instrumentation, Vol. 2 No. 3, 2012, pp. 176-186. doi: 10.4236/jasmi.2012.23028.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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