The Nature of Space and of Gravitation


Many recent highly precise and unmistakable observational facts achieved thanks to the tightly synchronized clocks of the GPS, provide consistent evidence that the gravitational fields are created by velocity fields of real space itself, a vigorous and very stable quantum fluid like spatial medium, the same space that rules the propagation of light and the inertial motion of matter. It is shown that motion of this real space in the ordinary three dimensions round the Earth, round the Sun and round the galactic centers throughout the universe, according to velocity fields closely consistent with the local main astronomical motions, correctly induces the gravitational dynamics observed within these gravitational fields. In this spacedynamics the astronomical bodies all closely rest with respect to the real space, which forth-rightly leads to the observed null results of the Michelson light anisotropy experiments as well as to the absence of effects of the solar and galactic gravitational fields on the rate of clocks moving with Earth as recently discovered with the help of the GPS clocks. This spacedynamics exempts us from explaining the circular orbital motions of the planets round the Sun, likewise the rotation of Earth exempted people from explaining the diurnal transit of the heavens in the days of Copernicus and Galileo, because it is space itself that so moves. This spacedynamics also eliminates the need of dark matter and dark energy to explain respectively the galactic gravitational dynamics and the accelerated expansion of the universe. It also straightforwardly accounts in terms of well known and genuine physical effects for all the other observed effects, caused by the gravitational fields on the velocity of light and on the rate of clocks, including all the new effects recently discovered with the help of the GPS. It moreover simulates the non-Euclidean metric underlying Einstein’s spacetime curvature. This spacedynamics is the crucial innovation in the current world conception that definitively resolves all at once the troubles afflicting the current theories of space and gravitation.

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J. Schaff, "The Nature of Space and of Gravitation," Journal of Modern Physics, Vol. 3 No. 8, 2012, pp. 714-749. doi: 10.4236/jmp.2012.38097.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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